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ANADROL 50 (Oxymetholone)
Massive strength and weight gain. Soothes joint problems. Great pump, highly androgenic & highly anabolic.
Potency: 50 mg /tablet.
Packing: 100 tablets - in 2 blisters (50x2)
Recommended dosage: 50 mg - 100 mg /day

Anadrol or Oxymetholone, are synthetic anabolic steroids derived from DHT. They are taken orally and used primarily in medical settings to treat conditions such as anemia and osteoporosis and promote weight gain in patients suffering from various catabolic disorders.

Anadrol steroid pills are known for their potent anabolic properties, meaning they can promote muscle growth, increase strength, and enhance athletic performance. It is because they bind to androgen receptors in the body, triggering a cascade of molecular processes that increase protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, and red blood cell production. These mechanisms contribute to muscle hypertrophy, improved recovery, and increased endurance. Due to their anabolic effects, Anadrol steroid pills have gained popularity among bodybuilders, athletes, and individuals seeking rapid muscle gains and strength.


Some of the potential side effects of Anadrol steroid pills include:

  1. Liver Toxicity: Anadrol can potentially be hepatotoxic or harmful to the liver, primarily when used frequently or at high dosages.
  2. Hormonal Imbalance: Anadrol use can disrupt the body's natural hormonal balance, leading to potential side effects such as decreased testosterone production, estrogenic effects (such as gynecomastia), and other hormone-related issues.
  3. Cardiovascular Effects: Anadrol can adversely affect cholesterol levels by reducing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (commonly known as "good" cholesterol) and increasing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (known as "bad" cholesterol). This imbalance can contribute to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Water Retention: Anadrol steroid pills can cause water retention and bloating, leading to a puffy or "moon face" appearance and swelling in the extremities.
  5. Androgenic Side Effects: Anadrol can exhibit androgenic effects such as acne, oily skin, scalp hair loss (in individuals genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness), and increased body hair growth.

Before using Anadrol steroid pills, speaking with a medical practitioner is essential. They can provide guidance, monitor your health, and help you explore safer alternatives or strategies to achieve your fitness goals.


The recommended dosage of Anadrol steroid pills, or any other anabolic steroid, should be determined by a qualified healthcare professional. Anadrol is a potent and potentially dangerous compound, and its usage should be carefully monitored.

In medicine, 1–5 mg per kilogram of body weight per day of Anadrol is the usual dosage recommended for treating anemia or other diseases. However, most individuals have a dosage range of approximately 50-200 mg daily.

However, it's important to note that using Anadrol for non-medical purposes, such as athletic performance enhancement or bodybuilding, is generally considered off-label and not recommended. It is because the dosages in such contexts often exceed the prescribed range and can carry significantly higher risks of adverse effects.

Anadrol should not be used without proper medical supervision, as it can have serious health consequences. Misuse or abuse of Anadrol steroid pills can increase the risk of liver toxicity, hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular complications, and other side effects.

Suppose you have any interest in using Anadrol or any other anabolic steroid. In that case, consulting with a knowledgeable healthcare professional, such as a physician or an endocrinologist, is crucial, who can provide personalized guidance based on your specific health status, goals, and risk factors. They can assess whether such substances are appropriate and determine the safest and most effective dosage if warranted.