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ANAVAR (Oxandrolone)
Low liver toxicity & side effects. Promotes great strength gains and solid lean mass gains. Perfect for beginner.
Potency: 10 mg /tablet.
Packing: 100 tablets - in 2 blisters.
Recommended Dosage: 20 - 50mg/day

Athletes and bodybuilders favor Anavar because it promotes the growth of lean muscular mass without generating significant water retention or bloating. It is often used during cutting cycles when people want to lose body fat while keeping muscular mass.

Anavar is a synthetic anabolic steroid with the generic name oxandrolone. It belongs to the anabolic steroid group of medicines, which are artificial forms of the male hormone testosterone. Athletes, bodybuilders, and anyone looking to boost their physical performance and muscular growth frequently utilize anabolic steroids.

Anavar has been used to treat muscle-wasting conditions, help in weight gain following surgery or persistent infections, and increase bone density in osteoporosis patients.

Anavar enters the bloodstream and goes throughout the body after it is ingested. When it enters the muscles, it attaches to androgen receptors, which are specialized. This binding activates the receptors and starts a chain of metabolic events within the muscle cells.

Anavar's capacity to enhance protein synthesis is one of its key impacts. Protein synthesis is the process through which the body creates new proteins. It is essential for muscle development and repair. Anavar also helps retain nitrogen in the muscles, which is necessary for maintaining an ideal muscle-building environment.


Not only is Anavar a popular steroid among men, but also among athletes who want to gain muscle and lose fat. The reason for this? When compared to other steroids like Dianabol, it can enhance lean mass with less water retention or weight gain. This will help you gain more definition during your training while seeing faster results than ever before.  


The Anavar cycle is a great choice for beginners and intermediates during cutting phases. It can help you lose fat while building some muscle, but usually women only use this method as their sole form of anabolism. This becomes a top choice because it isn’t harmful to hormone balance like other steroids. Sometimes other steroids can cause feminizing side effects in males. This usually happens to men who have been on them before stacking with other substances down the line.  

One of the best protocols for beginners is an Anavar-only cycle because it’s a mild steroid and thus won’t cause dangerous side effects in first-time users. This makes this compound perfect to use when introducing yourself or others to using performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). 


The general rule of thumb is that the higher the dosage, and the longer the time frame spent on Anavar, there are more chances for side effects to occur. So, if you want to be safe – start slow! 

Start with a low dose like 20-30mg per day for no longer than four weeks and see how your body reacts. If you don’t experience any negative side effects, then you can increase the dose and length of time spent on the cycle. Just be sure to listen to your body and take breaks every few months to let your hormones recover. The benefits of this protocol include a very low risk of developing side effects and the fact that they happen gradually over time. In addition, if you experience any symptoms such as virilization (a gradual change leading to masculine traits), simply stopping your cycles will solve your problem! 


Anavar is a great cycle for beginners! It’s mild and suitable, meaning that you can still get results while maintaining your sanity! You may want to start off on 15mg instead of 20 mg once throughout this first-time steroid user’s journey. So, just don’t go too far past 8 weeks from finish date (or else it might be too late).  

This is a cycle for men who are new to anabolic steroids. The dose and length of time spent on it can affect the masculinization effects that occur with testosterone.

When taking Anavar, the dosage and time frame will impact side effects. The higher your dose goes for long periods can lead to negative reactions like headaches or nausea. This is why it’s critical to be aware and keep track of how you are feeling while taking this drug.  


Liver Toxicity - Anavar is a C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) compound, which suggests it has been changed to be orally active but may cause liver stress. Anavar use for an extended period at high doses can potentially cause liver damage or malfunction. It is best to monitor your liver function while taking Anavar pills and avoid mixing it with other hepatotoxic substances.

Hormonal Imbalances - Anavar can disturb the body's natural hormone balance, particularly testosterone production. It can inhibit the body's testosterone synthesis, resulting in a drop in natural testosterone levels. This can cause decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, testicular atrophy, and mood changes. Post-cycle treatment is often suggested to help restore hormone levels following Anavar use.
Cardiovascular Complications - Anavar can affect cardiovascular health by altering lipid levels. It can lower good cholesterol (HDL) and elevate bad cholesterol (LDL), thus increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Anavar should be used with caution by people who already have cardiac problems.
Virilization (in Females) - Anavar has the potential to cause virilizing effects in women, leading to the development of masculine traits. Some side effects are a deepening of the voice, excessive facial or body hair growth, clitoral enlargement, and menstrual irregularities. Women should take Anavar in low doses and watch for virilization symptoms.
Mood Changes and Psychological Effects - Anavar can affect mood and behavior, including mood swings, increased aggressiveness, and psychiatric effects such as anxiety or sadness.


If you decide not to run a PCT after using Anavar, your testosterone levels will become suppressed and take weeks or months before they are able to fully recover. Implementing Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) should help speed this process along! 

When it comes to recovery, women may feel tired and have weakened LIBIDO. In men, these steroids have a powerful effect on their hormones with the endogenous testosterone levels getting sapped from Anavar use. Women who use Darwin Burn or oral Turinabol have a significantly less amount of this hormone than men.  However, it remains an important component within the female body chemistry.

Taking Nolvadex or Clomid will help you recover your testosterone production, which is more than sufficient to begin a PCT. Dosing instructions for these two drugs are as follows:  

  • NOVADEX (Tamoxifen) should be taken at 40mg per day for 45 days with 2 x 20 milligrams ingested daily; it’s best if the PCT begins 57 hours after the last intake of Anavar since this estimated time frame indicates when all traces are gone from our bodies.  
  • CLOMID is taken similarly as it’s dosed at 150mg per day for 30 days – with 50mg being taken three times every day. It can be started on the same day that you stop using Anavar, or even better – seven days after your last intake