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450,000₫ 600,000₫
(Tiết kiệm: 150,000₫)
Packing: 100 tablets - in 2 blisters

Cytomel, known scientifically as Liothyronine Sodium, is a man-made version of the T3 hormone, one of the primary hormones produced by the thyroid gland. This hormone is responsible for regulating metabolism, body temperature, and energy production in the body. By mimicking the natural T3 hormone, Cytomel helps stimulate the metabolic rate, resulting in elevated energy output and facilitating weight loss where not usually possible.

Commonly used among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts, Cytomel allows for more efficient fat-burning, enabling users to shed excess body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass. It's important to keep in mind that although Cytomel offers considerable benefits, misusing or abusing the compound can lead to unwanted side effects or health issues. That's why acquiring complete knowledge and understanding of Cytomel is of prime importance before introducing it to your routine.

The positive effects of Cytomel have made it popular among many fitness enthusiasts. Despite its roots in medical use for treating hypothyroidism, it has found a strong foothold in the fitness community due to the numerous performance-enhancing benefits it offers. Let's take a closer look at the specific benefits a user can experience from appropriately utilizing Cytomel.

Fat Burning

Cytomel has been known to stimulate lipolysis, the process where the body breaks down fats and other lipids to release fatty acids. This can lead to a remarkable 25% increase in the rate of fat burning, making it easier for users to maintain a lean physique.

Metabolism Acceleration

As a synthetic form of the T3 hormone, Cytomel increases the metabolic rate by around 30-40%. This metabolism-booster function means the body burns more calories, even while resting, leading to quicker and more effective weight loss.

The Stimulating Effect of the Central Nervous System

Cytomel has also been observed to enhance the activities of the central nervous system, leading to sharpened cognitive functions and improved mood. This means that a user can have up to a 10% boost in mental alertness at minimum.

Appetite Suppression

A key benefit of Cytomel is its ability to suppress appetite. With consumption causing up to a 25-35% decrease in hunger pains, it becomes significantly easier for users to stick to their diet and caloric intake goals when a deficit is needed.

Reduced Need for Sleep

Some users of Cytomel have reported needing less sleep yet remaining more energetic throughout the day. This can result in up to a 20% reduction in required sleep time, allowing for more productivity with less rest time.

Increase Physical Performance

By boosting the metabolic rate, Cytomel effectively enhances energy production. As a result, users can experience a huge increase in their physical performance, making workouts more effective and efficient.


Balancing the benefits of Cytomel use against its potential side effects rests largely on finding the appropriate dose. It's crucial to bear in mind that the ideal dosage varies between individuals, with several factors including gender, size, and weight, potentially affecting metabolic responses to Cytomel.

For Men

Men typically start with a daily dose of 50mcg and can increase this gradually by 25mcg over the duration until they reach their desired dose. It's important to note, that exceeding a daily dose of 75-100mcg per day is usually unnecessary and can heighten the risk of unwanted side effects.

For Women

Women generally require a lower dosage compared to men due to their usually smaller size and weight. Female users often start with a daily dose of 25mcg, gradually increasing this by 12.5mcg per week until the optimal dose is reached. For most women, a daily dose of 50-75mcg would be the upper limit when looking at the overall generic stats.

Beginner to Professional Solo Cytomel Cycles

A popular approach to using Cytomel for performance enhancement is by implementing "cycles", which involve taking the drug for a specified period of time, followed by a break. This allows the body's natural release and regulation to recover. Specifics for solo Cytomel cycles differ according to the user's experience level and goal.


For first-time users, a beginner cycle of Cytomel could look like a daily dose of 25mcg for a period of four weeks. This presents a conservative start, enabling users to assess individual responses before committing to higher dosages.


For intermediate users already familiar with Cytomel, cycles often involve dosing at 50mcg daily for four-six weeks. This allows these individuals to amplify the fat-burning and performance-enhancing benefits of Cytomel, given their familiarity and tolerance of the substance. A tapered dose back to 25mcg will be adopted here to help with the transition back to the natural thyroxine release.


Advanced or "Pro" level users who have used and tolerated Cytomel through several cycles can opt for a dose of around 75-100mcg per day and will cycle for around six to eight weeks with a rear end tapered dose to wean off of this higher dosage. However, such a high dose should be approached with caution, ensuring you are metabolically flexible to avoid adverse or unwanted effects.


Women generally require a more cautious approach due to their typically smaller body mass and blood volume. A standard cycle for female beginners would entail 12.5-25mcg every day for a period of four to six weeks, allowing them to garner the weight-loss and energy-boosting benefits with minimized risks. Females can run up to 75mg safely in some cases on the basis they are metabolically flexible and know their tolerances. Also, increasing the Iodine within the diet is recommended to assist in the health of the natural thyroid gland.

Weight Loss

When the primary goal is weight loss only, lower doses are often sufficient with other compounds such as Clen and Anavar. In this case typically, between 25-50mcg a day is adopted for a cycle duration of four to eight weeks on average. This can be an effective strategy for both men and women looking to enhance fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass which will also help to increase the user’s daily health and wellness.

Stacked Cytomel Cycles

In addition to solo cycles, Cytomel can also be effectively combined with other substances in "stacked cycles" to boost synergistic effects. Stacking refers to combining two or more performance-enhancing substances for specific goals, such as weight loss, muscle gain, or overall performance. Let's explore some popular Cytomel stacked cycles.

Cytomel and Clenbuterol

This combination is popular among those seeking accelerated weight loss. Typically, users start with a daily 25mcg dose of Cytomel and 20mcg of Clenbuterol , gradually increasing both drugs' dosages every two weeks; for instance, escalating to 50mcg of Cytomel and 60mcg of Clenbuterol by week 3. The cycle generally lasts around six to eight weeks.

Cytomel and Anabolic Steroids

Cytomel can be stacked with oral or injectable steroids like Trenbolone , Winstrol for enhanced muscle-building effects alongside fat loss. Often, these cycles involve daily Cytomel dosages of 25-75mcg, combined with specific dosages of chosen anabolic steroids (which vary depending upon user preference and drug potency). These cycles generally span around 6-12 weeks, with appropriate breaks in between cycles.

Cytomel and Growth Hormone (GH)

A more aggressive approach to muscle-building and fat loss involves stacking Cytomel with growth hormone (GH) and/or insulin. In this combination, users would administer doses of 25-50mcg of Cytomel alongside a daily GH dosage (which varies widely between users) for a cycle length of around 10-16 weeks, depending on the individual’s response and goals.


Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) following Cytomel usage is essential to help the body recover its normal hormonal levels and avoid potential side effects such as hypothyroidism. By providing your body time to restore its natural balance, you can optimize the results gained from the Cytomel cycle. Here's a look at PCT for both men and women following a solo Cytomel cycle.

For Men

For male users, a gradual tapering of the Cytomel dosage is recommended, rather than suddenly stopping the substance. Start by reducing the dose by 25mcg each week until reaching a daily dose of 25mcg for the last week of use. This tapering process allows the body to adjust to lower hormone levels without causing abrupt fluctuations in metabolism and energy and is only adopted when 50mcg or over is run for durations longer than 6 weeks.

For Women

Similarly, it's important for female users to taper their Cytomel dosages as well. Begin to reduce the dosage by 12.5mcg each week. Once a daily dose of 12.5mcg is reached, maintain this for the final week and then stop Cytomel altogether. This will allow the user's body to slowly readjust to lower levels of thyroid hormone without experiencing sudden changes in metabolic rate and energy levels.

Careful attention to the tapering process and the need for PCT following a cytomel cycle can play a critical role in maintaining the long-term health of users and preserving the progress made during the cycle.